Solomon Yue, Jr. is a legal immigrant born in Communist China. He survived the Cultural Revolution and escaped tyranny by moving to America as a private international student, speaking only two English phrases: “Thank you” and “Coca Cola.” He worked two jobs (waiter and janitor) to pay for his Management Sciences BA and International Trade MBA. He earned his U.S. citizenship under the Third Preference category for highly skilled professionals as an International Trade Economist. Solomon then started a successful medical glove manufacturing and importing business. He represented Oregon on the Republican National Committee from 2000 to 2024 and retired with a seniority ranking of eight among the RNC's 168 members.
In 2008, Solomon co-founded the RNC’s Republican National Conservative Caucus, a brain trust of the national conservative movement dedicated to returning America to its founding roots. At the same time, he co-founded the 89-member Republican Conservative Steering Committee, a member-driven political forum for public policy debates.
He previously served as Vice Chairman for three PACs: the USA Super PAC, the Republican Super PAC, and the Grassroots Conservative Coalition. As President of Grassfire Strategic Planning and Management Group LLC, he managed political campaign projects throughout America.
Solomon founded Republicans Overseas (RO) in 2013, and still serves as Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. RO provides a two-way infrastructure to keep American Republicans who live overseas politically well informed while also providing a mechanism to direct the policy concerns of overseas Americans back to political leaders and presidential candidates. RO's mission is to inspire the nine million Americans living overseas to engage more fully in the U.S. democratic political process through the provision of briefings, policy research and advocacy. More recently, RO has begun targeted engagement and registration of overseas votes to affect U.S. elections.
In 2023, Solomon co-founded the Worldwide Freedom Initiative (WFI) beneath the RO umbrella with Randy Yaloz and Kerry McQuisten. The WFI's first summit, held in Paris, France, boasted conservative leaders from 24 nations, all standing for freedom. President Trump called in to the event, which featured keynote speaker Governor Kristi Noem. Speaker Mike Johnson sent a written statement.
In 2024, he became the first Oregonian in history to become a member of the RNC's Eagles 168 due to his fundraising success for the Trump 47 Committee. Also in 2024, he co-founded and serves as Co-Chair on the Board of Directors for the new nonprofit, Oregon Conservative Caucus.
• PCP in Polk County 1996 – present
• Polk County Vice Chair, 2 years
• Polk County Chair, 2 years
• Delegate to the ORP State Convention: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023
• Member of the ORP Budget Committee, 2001 – 2008
• Chairman of the ORP Bylaws Committee, 1999 – 2002
• Chairman of the ORP 2nd Amendment Committee, 2000 – 2002
• Co-Chairman of the ORP Finance Committee, 1999 – 2002
• Member of the ORP State Executive Committee, 1995 – present
• Member of ORP State Central Committee, 1997 – present
• Co-Chairman of the ORP Asian Engagement Committee, 2015 – 2020
• Chairman of the ORP Asian-Outreach Committee, 1995 – 2002
In 2024, Solomon raised a six-figure amount for the Trump 47 Committee.
He has consistently helped the ORP raise money for state, local and national races. As testified to by recently retired NCW Chris Barreto, this number is now in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The money went into the bank accounts of the ORP or various county parties where those chairs and their ECs made the decisions on where those funds should be appropriately spent.
Next, a penny saved is a penny earned. Solomon has donated over $250,000 in travel expenses to attend not only RNC's regular meetings, but senior-level committee meetings held in between those meetings in locations like Washington D.C. Historically, most of Oregon's RNC contingent has been reimbursed out of ORP's donor funds for this travel.
Solomon has attended numerous meetings with the State Chair, Executive Director, and National Committeewoman with RNC-complementary PACs and organizations to help secure pass-through funding earmarked for congressional or gubernatorial races.
ORP and county parties rely often on fundraising events to fill their coffers. Solomon secured nationally known speakers to help the party raise money, which supports Oregon races. Solomon also secured other speakers who were not involved in fundraising. They included Dennis Kwok and Alvin Yeung, pro-democracy Hong Kong lawmakers who were organizing two-million-man march there. Nearly all of these speakers waived their usual speaking fees due to their relationship with Solomon, saving tens of thousands of dollars over the years. (Candace Owens was the only paid speaker.)
• Hector Barreto Jr., President Bush’s US Small Business Administrator (2004)
• John Fund, Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal (2012)
• RNC Chair Reince Priebus (2014)
• Governor Rick Perry, Texas (2014)
• Governor Jan Brewer, Arizona (April 2015)
• Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Arizona (June 2015)
• Governor Butch Otter, Idaho (2015)
• RNC Chair Reince Priebus (2015)
• CNN Debate Watch Panel (March 2016)
• John Fund, Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal (April 2016)
• David Keene, Editor, Washington Times, NRA President (June 2016)
• Jim Bopp, Jr., Citizens United Litigator (Aug 2016)
• Governor Brownback, Kansas (September 2016)
• Governor Rickets, Nebraska (October 2016)
• Burgess Owens, National speaker and author (2017)
• RNC Co-Chair Bob Paduchik, Trump Campaign (September 2017)
• Steve Yates, Deputy National Security Advisor to Bush Administration
(October 2017)
• Stephen Moore, Senior Economic Advisor to Trump Administration
(September 2018)
• Judge Vance Day, Former ORP State Chair (February 2019)
• NRA President Lt. Col. Oliver North (April 2019)
• Lara Trump, Trump Campaign 2020 (November 2019)
• Brad Pascale, Trump Campaign 2020 (November 2019)
• Candace Owens, Political Commentator (January 2020)
• Michael Yon, Combat Journalist (February 2020)
• AZ State Chairman Kelli Ward (September 2021)
• NRA First Vice President, Lt. Col. Willes Lee (March 2023)
RNC COmmittees
Solomon last served in 2023-2024 on the single most prestigious RNC committee: the Temporary Committee on Presidential Debates. He represented Oregon there at the request of Commitee Chair David Bossie and the RNC Chair. This is a highly confidential committee tasked with screening proposals from national media sources and scheduling debates for presidential candidates during the 2024 election cycle. He has also served on:
• Standing Rules Committee
• Site Selection Committee (Convention)
• Commitee on Arrangements (Convention)
• Commitee on Credentials (Convention)
• Executive Committee (RNC)
• Committee on Contest

No photograph was purchased.
Let me tell you my story. I survived Mao’s Cultural Revolution and escaped with my life to America. I’ve dedicated that life to preserving our Constitutional Republic; the freedoms I found here deserve to be protected. When you see the statements and memes going around taken completely out of context, accusing me of quoting Mao – I did quote him. I point out at every opportunity the evils I witnessed firsthand. I have also called today’s antifa black guards, comparing them to Mao’s red guards. I was born in Shanghai, China with three strikes against me. My late grandfather, John Yue, was a capitalist. He owned a tailor shop that employed 12 tailors and supported 12 families. So that was strike one. I was the offspring of a “capitalist pig.“ I was raised devout Christian, and my grandfather was an elder in the Methodist Church. The Methodist Church in China is more evangelical than the denomination in the United States. That was strike two. To the CCP, religion is the opiate of the masses, so I was labeled the offspring of an “opium pusher.” My grandfather was also a deputy commissioner in the Shanghai British Concession. After the Opium Wars, Shanghai was divided into several foreign districts that included a self-governing British district called a concession. My grandfather oversaw the Chinese police within that concession, and to the CCP, he was considered an enemy of the state because he was working for a foreign power. Strike three. It is ingrained in my nature to not keep my mouth shut. As children, my schoolmates and I were placed in state-run brainwashing sessions where we were told to stand in front of the class and self-criticize. We all learned not to form tight relationships because the CCP had “minders” everywhere, and even as a child, I could trust almost no one. Kids were forced to report on their parents, friends, and family to the CCP. We were told this was called the “CCP loyalty test.” My father was so fearful by then, that he destroyed the small shortwave radio we had hidden in our home so that the CCP wouldn’t catch us even listening to Voice of America. Being caught would have been a death sentence for me. We were told to criticize capitalism as well. We were told capitalism was exploitation of the masses. The lesson we were to learn was that capitalists were evil because they overproduced milk, for example, then poured it in the ocean to keep the prices artificially high to hurt the poor. But when I walked to school, I saw milk lines down the street for blocks, and so I argued: How could communism be so superior if we can’t produce enough milk? The other kids got very excited over this idea. That week, my parents got a call from the CCP telling them if they couldn’t get me to keep my mouth shut, they would “make me disappear in the night” and my parents would “pay for the bullet.” I was then sent to a “reeducation farm” by communist farmers in the countryside. My grandfather had escaped to Hong Kong and maintained his Christian activism in the church. He was able to attend a Methodist world conference in Hawaii where he spoke to the president of Alaska Pacific University, which was formerly known as Alaska Methodist University. The president of that University happened to be a liberal Democrat named Dr. Glenn Olds. I didn’t know the difference between Democrat or Republican then, but my grandfather told him his grandson was in big trouble, and the university agreed to facilitate a student visa on my behalf. The process took about three months. The rumormongers, I hear, have started a story that because Dr. Olds was liberal and I met him, that this is all the “proof” they need that I’m a communist spy. This crazy statement makes me shake my head. To someone on the CCP’s kill list, Alaska Pacific University and its staff were all part of a literal lifeline. I was 20 years old when I landed in Anchorage, Alaska. I spoke only two words: “Coca Cola” and “thank you.” I had to start from the very beginning with the ABCs. I got a scholarship with the student visa, but I also had to work mopping floors in a grocery store and waiting tables to finish putting myself through college. The CCP endorsed presidential candidate Jimmy Carter, so naturally, I had an interpreter translate for me what party Ronald Reagan belonged to and how he wanted to take down the Soviet Union, and that’s when I knew the Republican Party was my political home. After going through the legal citizenship process and moving to Oregon, I became involved as a Republican PCP in Polk County. I started my own business. I built a home. The American Flag I was given to hold on August 28, 1992, during my Oath of Allegiance sits proudly on the desk in my office to this day. I swore to protect America against enemies foreign and domestic, and I took that oath seriously. My goals remain: flip Oregon red, financially destroy the CCP without a shot fired, and protect our Republic. I have been through the hell of communism and survived by the Grace of God. If America falls, I know I have nowhere to go – and neither do you.

(No endorsement has been paid for. All have been given freely as a result of the endorser's personal relationship with Solomon.)